Another new Agony aunt query on line
WHEN I was 14 I tried on my sister’s clothes – and have been cross-dressing ever since.
My wife is supportive but my need is increasing and I am scared it will drive her away.
I am 29 and my cross-dressing started when I was staying with my older sister at her house and she rang to say she would be late home.
I went into her bedroom and tried on some of her clothes, tights and high heels. I felt so good and felt that I looked it too.
I carried on and occasionally started going out dressed up. Cross-dressing has boosted my confidence so much.
I have an overwhelming need now to cross-dress more often. I love my wife and don’t want to lose her.
Agony Aunt advice
Feeling the urge to go more public is a common element in cross-dressing, wanting more and more people to accept that side of yourself.
You need to talk over with your wife how you can handle this longing in a way that doesn’t distress her.
And contact the Beaumont Society (01582 412 220,
What would you advise?
29 you'd think an age where women are more accepting we're a bit older maybe its our age more accepting?
Emma (Wife)