Before i start .. Whats a muggle?
- Non crossdressing folk.
Every now and then when bored and Esme is watching trash TV, I'll find a chat room in the UK or elsewhere and join it anon and chose "other" as my sex and float some casual questions about cross dressing and what people think of it and its ranged from..
Women saying
- its in harmless
- its OK as long as my husband doesn't do it
- its perverted
- its gay
- you kniw there's an lgbt room right?
- men shouldnt wear "our" clothes
This one was interesting as she meant the Royal "Our" not their personal clothes but women's clothes.. Now that's not equality is it.
Some ask if I'm a cross dresser I reply yes and it starts discussions in the chatroom or sometimes a private chat prying into why I dress, what do I do when dressed where do I get my stuff and what does my wife think.
Queue responses from men
- Faggot
- limp wrist
- Sissy boy
- leave the room tranny go to lgbt where you belong
- anon admitting sometimes hey I cross dress too
- show us your tits
Then and most often out of all the private messages from men is
- do you meet?
- can I see a photo of you?
Pressed on this asking them if they're into tgirls most say yes but I'm straight..
I always find it interesting no matter who I engage with in a chat room but working out what it is about men with a thing for t girls it usually crimes down to
- the effort we make to look and act feminine (well we have to make effort we're men trying to look like women) but that's not what they mean as most say to that no you make more effort to look fem than my wife... Have women stopped making an effort or do they once they snare a man?
Most men I've asked on that say their wife's stopped making an effort for them when they had kids as if settled life goals house, man and kids and relax..
As we've discussed before this comes like a slap in the face to us men.. What's going on no heels, lingerie, lippy.. Where's my wife gone?
I've seen it on tiktok a woman all glammed up some song on what you thought you were gonna get then bam fall time in PJs joggers and flip flops lol its a parody but a true one.
So its interesting chatting with muggles about crossdessers.
An interesting chat this weekend and a local woman of 22 quite local it seemed private messaged me to say she thinks cross dressing is cool so I asked why and she said it just is me and my friends cross dress our boyfriends all the time.
Oh thinks I lucky boyfriends and a more open minded generation?
Why is that and she said well we all go for the same types all macho and fit and its cool they let us feminise them I've even got wigs and dress him up fully he was nervous as hell once when I'd dressed him and my parents came home and we were in my room lol they didn't come to to say hi so it was fine.
She said her friends do it too and they've swapped pics of their bfs cross dressed (that's future blackmail waiting to happen if they split up lol) but she said they all make pretty good looking girls and sex is nice with him dressed.. OK I wasn't going to start asking questions on that so I said do the bfs know you lot dress each of them up and she said yes.. Do they talk about it when you're all together and she said sometimes..
Maybe the next generation are more open minded but saying that Esme asked to dress me as a woman around 25 so maybe it is an improving thing.
Try a chat room and see how you get on as an anon either the muggles.
Lol its interesting testing the waters with muggles insnt it.