There's a section in the website for womens panties / knickers "For men" and the below an extract from the site..
Hi Girls, so does your Man like to wear women’s Panties? Or are you trying to get him to try?
Are there women out there asking their men to wear lacy boyshorts, thongs etc???
Not sure what to think? or what to do?
Well, we are obviously in a position to communicate with lots of Men just like your Man.
We also have done quite a bit of researching on the topic (and not from internet chat rooms, we mean real quantitative study reviews, actual human psychology science.)
Hopefully we can give you a little useful information, and help you avoid a lot of the non-sense you’ll see on the internet.
Heterosexual? Gay? other?
The vast majority of Men who have a Panty wearing preference are heterosexual, and are actually much more likely to be 100% straight than the general population.
Men wearing women's Panties for sexual excitement is entirely different and separate from gender-identity issues.
For the vast majority of women, we can clearly say “Your man is not gay, and does not want to be a woman.” Your man simply feels extra excited about You when he’s wearing women’s Panties.
The majority of Men with Panty wearing preferences are so highly attracted to females, that this is a way to feel even closer to women and may serve as a tension release for those with stressful careers.
Very few men with a Panty wearing preference (aka fetish) are non-heterosexuals, it is actually really rare for them to be non-heterosexual. (Most of our gay male friends are even freaked our by the word “Panties”, so forget about wearing, or even touching them.. lol)
Certainly, there are exceptions, and we welcome and embrace everyone in our LGBTQ family.
But this page is specifically about male-female relationships where he likes wearing women’s Panties.
Big Picture.
These studies also show that Men with a Panty preference on average: have higher IQs, make more money, are more successful, are more loyal to their wives/girlfriends, are much less likely to cheat, are much more likely to have type-A alpha male professions (like executives, lawyers, doctors, law enforcement, leadership positions of all types and other "manly" professions.)
How common?
Quite prevalent.
In fact over 10% of heterosexual men regularly wear women’s lingerie for pleasure.
The majority do this secretly.
So about one in every 9 or 10 men are secretly enjoying women’s lingerie to some extent.
Most have a deep desire to share the experience with their mate, yet keep it hidden.
It’s quite sad to see so many couples miss out on this intimate opportunity, but times and attitudes are changing!
Having a Panty wearing preference (aka fetish) is not a mental disorder, nor does it predispose him to have any mental disorder.
It is a harmless, but powerful attraction to a symbol of the opposite sex.
What to do?
Girls, if you are reading this because of a special man in your life, then he has trusted you with the deepest and most personal part of his being, something very precious, and I am happy for you both!
During the past few years, we have had the unique opportunity to have private conversations with so many men on this sensitive subject.
We feel compelled to share what we have learned, how important it is to him, and how hard it can be for him to tell you.
So my advice to the ladies: If you know your man likes wearing Panties then take full advantage of this little gem.
So easy to wrap him around your little finger, it's almost not fair!
Soon, you may Love it more than he does. HaHa!
He's a keeper, and now you know exactly how to get anything you want.
Too many women take the "try to ignore it" approach and are sadly missing out on a wonderfully intimate opportunity. It is such a simple little key to his heart, use it and he will Love you to the end of time.
Why are we writing this?
Because unlike us, hetero men suffer tremendous shame and degradation from this harmless little quirk.
Now are we just trying to sell Panties?
For goodness sake, this is a very small part of our customer base.
If men never bought here again, our accountant would never notice (but we'd get a lot less emails!!!)
If posting info like this made money, then VS and everyone else would be doing it too.
Even if 20% of men started wearing Panties, that is tiny compared to the 99% of women who do!
We just hate seeing such loving men getting misrepresented, really hate it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
You are obviously patient and kind, and I see why he loves you.
PS. Girls, feel free to email anytime.
This popped up somehow probably Alexa listening to conversations or clicks but struggling for time to dress a T-Girls lovely wife said why don't you try wearing Panties under your male clothes it's not being Davina fully but better than nothing..
I've worn knickers under my male clothing all week and some observations
Far more comfirtable than my boxer shorts
Nicer looking than my boxer shorts
Didn't make up for me not being fully dressed but a hidden reminder that Davina is part of me.
Does anyone here wear Panties / Knickers regularly under man clothes?
I wear panties every day do not wear male drab underwear. I know most wives hate when men play pocket billiards or constantly adjust the junk. I feel every man is different in the junk area but every man with a 32” waist wears the same size underwear. So basically the junk never fits in the underwear it always varies in length and in girth. Which then either does not support or can be very tight. Whereas women’s panties are also size related they are not designed to accommodate junk and always gives support in that area. I maybe wrong but that is one of the many reasons I only wear panties . And my wife has commented that in all our years together she has not noticed I am constantly moving the junk around to get comfortable.
Mine wears M&S knickers daily.
He says they're more comfy than boxers.
I like them on him see him every day put a pair on when getting dressed it's no Big deal.
Hannah (wife)
When I've had the urge and can't dress a wife of a T-Girl on here said why now wear panties or as I call them knickers, so I have been from time to time just knowing I'm wearing them is a little bit of something but the style I'm wearing are far far more comfy than any boxers I've ever worn.
Just been up and out early for a walk with Esme and said want to know a secret I'm walking in knickers and they're so comfortable.. sparked some chat on needing time to crossdress so was a good shout to share the secret..
She called me a D Head lol for wearing them out in public but who can see what underwear I have on.
I need to order some from Shien seen some the same style on there and cheap ok for a cheap thrill of wearing something but I'm still an all or nothing makeup wig the lot kinda t-girl and lacking my stress busting hobby.
Yes most definitely, and I agree fully that it is far more comfortable than any male undies and much nicer looking. Also on cold days tights under trousers are lovely and cosy.
Also I find painting my toes every now and again is a lovely hidden reminder of my fem side.
Also shaving my legs/body and moisturising is just a nice little bit of pampering for my over worked and tired body 😁.
Just these little things do make a tremendous difference to my inability to be Ally.
Just got to do what works for you. X