Hope everyone had a good bank holiday.. Wife and kids went to inaws to watch the Corronation (It's not my thing but won't go into the politics of it all and the cost etc short and curlys of it I'm a Republican).. and spent Saturday home alone for the best part..
Did you spend the day home alone as Davina - You'd have thought so but no stupidly i didnt take advantage of the house to myself to dress and instead if spent 7 hours catching up with work writing my annual report and number crunching additional evidences graphs and tables setting the strategy for 2023 and beyond .. Sad isnt it unpaid 7 hours home alone in drab.
Yesterday as is typical for a bank holiday it tipped down..
I have a garden Bar shed and after a quick trip to Cardiff shopping in the morning where i saw a few things i'd like to have purchased for Davina but didnt as kids with us came home and sorted the bar shed in readiness for hosting friends and family in the summer then sat in the bar watching the rain, surfing the internet and chatting on tvchix and skype with other t girls, wives (including Hannah from here) and was thinking wifes in watching movies, kids up in their bedrooms and i can't sit here in hosiery, heels, makeup, lingerie, dress and a wig as what would the neighbours think ... How silly that we have to hide away behing a vaneer of maleness and can't present as "Women" when we like how bloomin frustrating.
I thought I'm wasting a part of my life important to me something that somehow helps me relax and unwind and i'm not doing it, not able to do it and it's so silly because society deems it weird and perverted to dress as a woman.. Working from home today in drab again thinking I'd have loved to have got up today and had Esmes choice of what to wear and how to look.