There's a filter on snapchat you can centre your face on as a man and makes you into a woman which loads of male friends have placed on facebook saying "I would" of the pictures of them selves transformed into women.
Clever app and in the pub last night Esme said try it so i did and wasn't that happy with the outcome.. it looked ok but i do a better job of transforming myself than the app so after the app version i got my tvchix profile pic and showed Esme and said it worked better this time and she laughed and agreed.
Funny tho how many male friends have been curiously trying this snapchat app out and posting pics of themselves as women on their facebook timelines... more to it than meets the eye? am i not alone lol
My profile photo on here is my makeup.. I think ive sussed highlighting and contouring blusher etc all ive done is taken a selfie and then pleased the auto button on the photo which brightens it up.
I've looked at using a filter when dressed on snapchat and have posted some on tvchix obvious its a filter with a flower or bow in the hair or glasses.
We're probably not as alone as you think! :)
I have heard of this filter, there is also one for cis women to transform themselves into their male versions, I've got a few cis ladies on my fb page as friends and they've been playing with this filter and posting the results on fb, they aren't happy looking like their male version and are glad they're female lol, seems like no one want to be a man!!! LOL!!
the big problem with these filters is that I belong to a few trans makeup groups on fb and they are there for you to ask for advice on your makeup skills, you post yourself with your makeup effort and ask for information and tips, well there are more and more gurls using filters and trying to pass these photo's off as their work, now these filters are getting very realistic but you can spot them straight away when you then look at someone who doesn't use filters and just tries their best to improve their makeup.
The only time I've used these filters is when I didn't own any makeup and wanted to see what I would look like when made up, as soon as i started buying my makeup and started getting reasonable results i stopped using them.
I start to get quite miffed when people use these filters and try and pass themselves off as it's their own makeup! It's bloody hard work trying to get your makeup right especially for a man to get to a point that you can just about start to pass as a woman, (facially anyway)
It causes a lot of heated discussions in the group's thats one thing for sure.