I think that knowing each other boundaries is important. It maybe on occasions that boundaries can and need to be pushed but they should always be respected. If somebody feels uncomfortable then sometimes a step or two back maybe necessary.
I think that it is important that we, on here, also repsect boundaries and do not try to push people too far. There has been quite a bit of good natured banter going on over the last week or so but sometimes this can be inturpreted by people on the outside as peer pressure. I think we're comfortable in knowing enough about each other not to take it in the wrong way but somebody reading for the first time maybe a little perturbed.
I stopped posting on another site because of peer pressure that was created with people being pushed to progress further down the crossdressing line. Here we could discuss serious issues around crossdressing in order to help people facing it for the first time.
Whilst everyones opinion is valued and the different routes people have found to coping and finally embrassing it are great they should not be seen as the only solution.
It would be great if some of the really important subjects raised could be kept at the front of the forum as 'stickies' or that they could be added on to the main blog so peole can access them easily.
We have a good mix in here of experiance and acceptance and ways of accepting.
I look forward to more chats in 2018 and helping new members