Ok here's a question for you.
I know that most 'Davina' type crossdressers have a certain style. But is that style affected by fashion? I know I've got shoes and boots that I used to love but just can't wear anymore because they're no longer in fashion (I can't bear to throw them away - maybe they'll ocmeback on day!).
Would a wife also insist that their husband 'just can't wear that' because it's no longer in fashion?
I know a lot of us don't go out and aren't even seen by other people (sometimes not even our wives) so why do we need to feel fashionable? I guess it's watching what women wear to take our inspiration which is really how fashion works. There must be something deep down that makes us want to belong even if nobody actually sees us.
Obviously the Grayson Perry type crossdresser has their own style and probably more cutting edge than most women!
Hmmm I'm not sure.
I've definitely moved on from younger days where id dress more tarty and haven't got some of the dresses mind you id not get i to those any more.
I've moved to more natural makeup and more fashionable dress sense.
All of my dresses are the wife's cast offs and they can't be bad as she sometimes borrows some back.
Maybe other girls do get rid or dont wear some of the clothing and some purge all together which ive never done.