I've attached list of personality traits which have been defined as masculine and feminine. It is not my list and I don't necessarily agree with the all the content, however, it does help to explain how some trans* people help to define their gender identity.
I'm sure that some men feel that need to display some or most of the traits under 'vices' to appear masculine. A mans's man. I can think of one man living in the US who fits most of the vices ;-).
I may recognise a couple of the vices in my personality but the majority will either be in the strengths, virtues and weaknesses. Maybe this makes my personality more feminine than masculine. I don't think that this is a bad thing. If I moved totally into the feminine traits then I may not actually identity at all as masculine at all.
This is not my list, everyone has their individual lists about what they feel are feminine and masculine traits. And depending on how you view these traits will depend on how you identify. When a trans* person talks about feeling feminine they are matching there own personality traits to what they feel are feminine and masculine traits. The more feminine traits they identify with then the more feminine they feel.
So, if I say I feel feminine it doesn't mean that I am a woman it means that the personality traits I have are more feminine than hyper-masculine (vices). So my gender identity maybe more feminine because of how I define femininity. Somebody else may totally disagree but gender is a very personal thing and there is not right or wrong.
I hope that that explains my take on gender identity. I'll cover gender expression in another post
Katie x
Whoa there,settle down – I dont think anyones going off on one or misunderstood.
All friendly in here.
Is the behaviour hardwired from birth or do we learn it try it like it keep doing it?
I dont dress to attract.. I dress for me.
Mens clothes are pretty boring.. nice every now and then to stick on shirt tie trousers and waistcoat and suit jacket and be James Bond.. that’s my dressing up as a man.. otherwise its jeans t shirt, jeans shirt, combat trousers and t shirt, football shirt and tracksuit bottome or trousers and shirt pretty boring .. oh with boxers and socks.. boring as compared to womens clothing choice.
It makes me feel good, yes. WHY? - It just does i’ve given up wondering why exactly.
For what reason does biology give me that reward? I dont think of being an attractor.. I dont think of Biology being involved at all. It’s clothing and if clothing was role reversed and men dressed as women and women dressed as men as standard it would be society driven not biologically driven.
I get a lot of messages on line as Davina – lots of messages in TVChix in my mail box asking if I meet or would I like to attend a social event. i’m always polite and say no thanks.
I dont get any offers as a man lol but then as a man people know im married so why would I get messages asking me out and i’m not on any sites to attract that sort of offer.. I find it mad that I get men ask me if I date as Davina or if i’d like to meet them as Davina when my profile says no men not interested basiclally bog off men.
Same as you debs no slutty photos just pics of me as a tgirl looking like a normal woman.
Lots of women these days dress for comfort most of the time and thats a bug bear of mine to an extent dont get me started lol. They do still look way better than the typical guy.
I think lots of women dress for comfort and like us dressing up makeup heels etc has become a less frequent occasion. When they date they dress up.. when they marry they find contentment and dress up less.. weddings, partys, girls nights out, rare to see some women in a dress and heels.. my eyes pop out when I see Esme in a dress tights and heels.. faaaar too rare an occurrence shes broken the deal we made on wearing a dress and tights and heels more often.
I'm saying that simple act of dressing up as female is in itself isn’t innately more about attraction I’m attracted to myself dressed I’m so vane but I dress for me not to be attractive to others. The fact some say I look attractive as “Davina” is a byproduct of luck.