Ive blogged about this before how ive had dreams that my wifes told me weve got baby sitters and to get dressed followed by her coming in from work and behind her comes her best friend, her boss and her sister all seeing me sat on the setee and then i wake up and this ones happened a few times with always the same 3 women coming in with my wife then i wake up lol weird eh?
Well just had another dream right before my alarm went off this morning that me and my wife are in a pub no idea where and theres about 8 women in the pub two staring at me and obviously talking about me, my wifes at the the bar i turn to my left and theres 4 other girls who smile and one whispers to the other i look down and im male top half but wearing a leather mini skirt and knickers and not sat at all lady like and my bits are on display so i appologise close my legs and one girl says why are you wearing a skirt and i say um it'scomfortable cue alarm and i wake up..
Anyone else have these dreams?
No too much to do tomorrow might be painting landing and stairs and bathroom to finish if I can get the right skirting boards how manly.
And I'm not Intimidatable if thats a word.. so wouldn't phase me being around said women in the dream as Davina no doubt they'd have a million and one questions.