What's everyone's experiences been like having a makeover? Or is it something you'd consider?
I finally plucked courage up yesterday 4th or 5th pint to mention to Esme I'd been chatting to someone about a makeover not just for me but for Esme too.
I've always wondered what a pro makeover of Davina would look like, what tips I could pick up and same for Esme.. Have a makeover and it would be a lesson for the future too..
Esme agreed to going for a makeover so now we need to see when we can look to do this..
What's everyone's experiences with makeovers and what's a reasonable cost?
I did get a full makeover a couple of years ago when I was on a job in Kent. I had to drive for an hour, dressed and got there late but the makeover results were fantastic, the photo's of me are from then. Cost wise it was very good at £60, but that was a basic makeover and although I learnt a lot I would love to do it again with someone teaching me slowly how to look my best! There is a person in Cardiff that does it and I have heard they are very good, but at the moment I have too many other things to think about!