Gave this a go today a surprising result ... I wonder what the ladies on here would score? Does it really work as I still class myself an Alpha Male despite my result. Maybe I'm more modern caring equality man
Your COGIATI result value is: -85 Which means that you fall within the following category:
What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially androgynous, both male and female at the same time, or possibly neither. In some cultures in history, you would be considered to be a third sex, independent of the polarities of masculine or feminine. Your gender issues are intrinsic to your construction, and you will most likely find your happiness playing with expressing both genders as you feel like it.
Your situation is a little tricky in our current society, but not tremendously so, depending on your geographic location.
The suggestions for your circumstance are not overly complicated.
If you have any comfortability about your gender expression, some slight degree of counseling might well prove helpful. The primary goal would be to make it possible for you to enjoy your gender expressions free from any shame or embarrassment, and to resolve any remaining questions you might have.
As an androgynous being, both genders, and both sexes are natural to your expression. Permanent polarization in either direction might bring significant unhappiness. It is not recommended that you go through a complete transsexual transformation. You might find a partial transformation of value, if you find yourself more attracted overall to the feminine. You are more likely a transgenderist, than a transsexual. It is recommended that you recognize that your gender issues are real, but that extreme action regarding them should be viewed with great caution.
If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands of groups devoted to gender play of various varieties. There is literally a world of friends to discover who share your interests. There are also publications, vacations, and activities that would expand your gender play.
Thank you for using the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory.
Davina :)
Haha Sindy how didn’t you girls answer some of the more specific male to female ones?
I think it’s a load of baloney myself.
Hi Rebecca oh us wives , we're all Androids and Sindy is a Transexual lol
Em x
Hi sorry I've not been on a while but things going pretty well between me and my husband as I've kind of accepted if you can't beat it join it maybe I'll add an article here on where I am.
I did the test some pretty confusing and for men only unless it can be used for female to male transsexuals but they dont have a penis well maybe a strap on one oops too rude?
Anyway moving on I came out Androgenous
Rebecca (wife) x
Explains the flat shoes haha.
I thought it may be interesting to find results if women did the test.
So do we think it works?
I'm Androgynous? I don't think so...
Haha, it was quite interesting answering this as a female. I had to decide a few times if I was happy with my penis and being a man. I figured yes, but I am only assuming lol. Of course the dang math questions etc probaby gave me away. Math is pain!
So Sindy, when did you stop waxing your legs, drinking beer, catching the game and manspreading? Those masuline triats will catch you out in the end!
My results actually cracked me up. Do you think I need to come out to my husband? :-D
Your COGIATI result value is: 210 Which means that you fall within the following category:
What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially feminine, but with some masculine or androgynous traits. It is very possible that you are a candidate for a diagnosis of transsexualism. You show a strong degree of gender dysphoria. At the very least, further investigation should be undertaken. Your COGIATI score places you among the majority of those diagnosed as transsexuals, the 'late onset' tanssexual.
Your situation is potentially serious and indicative of a probable inborn gender conflict. It is definitely recommended that you pursue further action.
The suggestions for your circumstance are several.
It is recommended that you seek help from a sympathetic counselor or professional about your gender issues. It is very possible that over time they will become increasingly difficult to cope with. Early determination of what you really need and want is vital. You need to determine if you truly are transsexual. Keep in mind, thought, that many alternatives exist other than complete sexual transformation. Partial transformation and many other way of existing are available. While you are very possibly a transsexual, COGIATI has determined that this is not absolutely certain. While time is an issue, being certain is more important. Proceed with investigation of your possible transsexuality or transgenderism, but with caution.
I was a bit surprised how accurate it seemed. It's hard to know unless you have access to the other classifications where the definition might seem more appropriate.
I agree that my crossdressing is a form of expression. I also agree that my struggles in the past have been to do with internal shame. 1) I don't feel uncomfortable with it now so no need for the counselling. 2) I agree I don't need to follow the path of SRS and that greater feminine expression may lead to greater happiness. 3) Not to sure about greater gender play. I suppose being here and on other forums in the past would be consider as joining other groups.
I wouldn't read too much into it. A lot of the questions seemed to be about recognising emotions, hugging men and parking!
If you believe in star signs you can always find one of your character traits in their discriptions but then again I could probably fnd my chararcter traits in any of the other star signs!
Do you think that’s about right Katie?
Your COGIATI result value is: -260 Which means that you fall within the following category:COGIATI classification TWO, FEMININE MALEWhat this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be mostly masculine, and that your gender issues are primarily matters of personal expression rather than a medical problem. Any struggles you have are most likely caused by internal shame over your needs and desires, or because of curiosity over what those needs represent. There is, however, some indication of a strong feminine side to your being, and this is intrinsic to your constitution.SUGGESTIONS FOR ACTION:Your situation is fairly uncomplicated, so you should be relieved.Since your situation is almost certainly not a matter of any real physical or biological concern, the suggestions for your circumstance are relatively simple.
If you have any uncomfortability about your gender expression, counseling might well prove helpful. The primary goal would be to make it possible for you to enjoy your gender expressions free from any shame or embarrassment, and to resolve any remaining questions you might have.
Your gender issues and expressions are more than mere play, and are a form of personal identity expression, but this is no indication of transsexualism. Indeed, all information suggests that the path of the transsexual is not one you should take, as it would almost certainly lead to severe unhappiness. It is possible that a partial step towards greater feminine expression might lead to greater happiness, but such an undertaking should be approached with extreme caution.
If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands of groups devoted to gender play of various varieties. There is literally a world of friends to discover who share your interests. There are also publications, vacations, and activities that would expand your gender play.
Oh Davina that’s why the long legs and long eyelashes and no Adam’s apple you’re an android haha.
I did the test and got the same androgynous and the other half got the same.
Do you think it works?
Maybe you’re right times have changed men think differently these days as it’s a few years old that test and maybe needs modernising.
Interested to see what Katie and Sindy get in the test and other girls in here.
Em x (RG Wife)