By: Sindy
Subject: Carrying on with questions...
Moving on from the sexuality chat but with this new info embedded in our future conversations (seriously, as a wife it's rather difficult to move on from the fact that many crossdressers lust after each other!), I figured it was time for some more questions. :)
Here goes.
1) Do you, as a crossdresser, think you have a distorted sense of reality, either about dressing or other issues? I ask this because there are times my entirely logical, intelligent husband will say something, usually related to women or dressing, that leaves me shaking my head. One example is my husband lamenting that women get all the sexual attention at work and this isn't fair as they get promoted more. Like, wtf?? Getting ogled at work is depressing and wrong and would leave many women feeling harassed, yet he STILL didn't see the downside. My feeling is he has a distorted view on life as a woman, and this is partly why he started dressing in the first place.
Or maybe I'm totally off base...
But I can't help linking the two as he dresses for stress release and sexual urge and the girl he dresses like are the kind of girls he would ogle inappropriately. It's almost like he's jealous that women get this type of attention and wanted it for himself...but wow, that seems like a distorted view to have.
2) Would you, the male, feel insulted if someone you knew came to the conclusion that you're only half a man for being a crossdresser, or would this make you feel happy? I often see online a huge dick showing fest as to who is more 'girly' (excuse the language but that's ironically what it seems like lol), and it seems plenty would get off on having their masculinity questioned. Case in point - being called Ma'am when looking like a guy - this seems to make crossdressers everywhere squeal in delight. Yet, if someone called me Sir while I was walking the grocery store I'd go home and drink a bottle of vodka in depression. You could almost say this scenario could be linked to the distorted view of question one?
And I want honest answers here. I want the primal response you feel, not the one you think you should feel. If someone ma'amed you at work or at the store when you're just usual guy self, would you secretly get a kick out of it? Or would you feel offended and even angry?
There, two more questions to puzzle over. I look forward to the responses. x
By: Sindy
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Carrying on with questions...
I completely agree that crossdressing is just that and doesn't make a man anything else. It's the men who seem to think it makes them something else - submissive, girly, straight female when dressed (yeah, right) etc etc. That's the big distortion. I just wonder if they ever realize it's distorted.