Covered this before but even myself and Esme struggle with talking about crossdressing.. Esme no doubt would love to wake up if she's honest and Crossdressing wasn't part of me and our relationship but it is so we have to work out how to deal with it as it's not going away.
My initial communication with Esme was via a letter and we know Katie has tried this and had no reply and we know Catriona has brought up dressing and now both wondering "how the hell do we get some acknowledgement of the letter or the conversation? how long do we wait? How much time passes before you simply can't bring it back up?"
Well even if crossdressing is out in the open its still something we struggle to bring up and talk about and if you can crack this you're onto a winner.
Text message, whats app, messenger, tvchix chat room all probably effective ways to discuss with your wife or GF without having to talk typing and pressing send is the most effective way to communicate as there will be things you want to say but dont want to say remembering when i wanted my first wig that was so hard to get out of my mouth..
So what do you all recommend if you have good communication with a wife or GF? whats the best method? if talking is too hard
Now we're talking about it again I propose me and Esme just talk about it whenever .. she may say no lol or change the subject but theres no shaking it being something which is part of our relationship..
Sindy if you're still reading come in and say hi and let us know your thoughts on this as I think you'd rather ignore than be involved? but no doubt your husband will be bursting to discuss crossdressing with you?
Anyway 2nd post of the night can you tell I'm home alone for a few hours catching up on the NFL (So Manly) and no not in a dress and have stubble lol
When I have my wife The letter i was there to gauge response and answer any questions
There are definitely worse things people could be doing than crossdressing