I stumbled upon this webiste and I think that the 'gender bread person' is a really good way of understanding all the elements that go into making up our personalities.
Take a look and let me knw what you think.
Katie x
PS Lots of other useful info on the site
I think that the best analogy I can come up with is that our brain is a mixing desk. We can tone up and down our feeling based on different factor. Mood, hormones, sitution can all come into play in deciding the person we are at anyone time.
I think that is why Davina describes as being this 'alpha male' one minute and Davina the next.
It is interesting that our (male) testosterone level can start dropping by 1% per year after age 30. This may account for different feelings that we experience as we mature.
Gender identity, expression, attraction can all vary at anyone time hence the movement up and down teh spectrum.
Katie x