First, thanks for accepting my request to join. I am looking for a place of support as the wife of a cross dresser. My husband recently, as in 5 days ago, revealed to me he is way more into cross dressing than he ever let on earlier in our marriage. We had a little fun with it in the bedroom years ago and never really revisited that.
I love my husband dearly and want to support him, but I feel like I also need some sort of support for myself. I have asked many questions, some he was offended by, but I'm still struggling.
Any other wives here have any advice or have done through what I currently am?
I'm extremely confused 😞
Thank you everyone. I truly appreciate all of your input on your experience. I’m trying so hard to be respectful and understanding. I know how hard this is for him to talk about, but he has to understand he is not the only one going through this situation. I just tried to have a conversation and walk away feeling worse. I’m not asking him to stop anything, I truly want him to be himself but I want the same respect. I’m going through this also, not just him
Hi Ally
Welcome to this little piece of the cross dress universe.
My wife found out while we were dating and now have been married 4 years this October.
We try to go out at least once a month on a girls night out together and I think she enjoys it but hopefully she will pop on here and give you her take on living with a cross dresser
Hi Ally,
Plenty of support here and don't hold back as always someone to give advice or reassurance. I basically echo Davina and Sarah in that communication is key.
I told my wife when I was going through a particularly stressful time. She thankfully understands I'm still me. It's still tricky and I've yet to fully dress in front of her. Just have to remember slow is key and considering each others feelings. Much like your husband I am very happy with my wife who I love dearly and she me. Hopefully the forums are just away of letting off steam. I am on a couple different forums mainly to get a balanced idea of this lifestyle so maybe your husband is the same.
Take care x
Welcome to the site you've come to the right place if you're looking for support and openess and clean intelligent open discussion.
There are a few wives active on here who I'm sure will be happy to chat and we've had lots of wives in the past who have come and gone , happy to say most who ha e gone have left with a new view on crossdressing and a level of acceptance.
I think it must be daunting .. my wife burst into tears when I told her I was a crossdeesser and asked if I was gay which is a question I wasn't expecting from her..
Lots of myths about crossdressing and lots and lots of reasons why us "blokes" put on makeup, wigs, perfume amd women's clothes helping us escape our male lives for a bit
For the majority of us a few hours dressed and we unwind and de stress somehow magically letting our male guard down and embracing a bit of femininity in a way the world who know us would never in a million years expect.
I hope some of the wives reply and offer you some support and answers and have a poke around and a good read here of questions and answers debate, humour, desperation, angst, fear, guilt, and all the emotions worries and thoughts of the crossdressers / tgirls (same thing lots of lebels) and of wives and girlfriends present and accounted for still and who have found their answers and moved on..
Let me know if I can be if any help as the biggest thing I find in all this despite my wife finally coming to terms with me crossdressing eventually is its far easier to talk to someone else wife about all this than your own and I think a wife can use us t girls as a sounding board on how to question and approach their husband / boyfriend with out argument falling out etc
There's a post here somewhere on questions to ask and I've found the easiest way to ask is by writing or typing back and forth with my wife although we're a lot better now discussing dressing .. you type something in a Skype chat or text message mull over it then press send and its gone and then wait fir the answer .. we find it therapeutic to get it all off our chest ref why we do this but then we also feel guilt and a need to assure over and over .. cutting the conversation off makes it hard to restart .. anyway I'm rambling hope I made sense..
Welcome to the forum
The fact that you want to support him speaks volumes. You say he is "more into it" than you thought, I take it that means wig, makeup and trying to look as feminine as possible rather than a bit of play in the bedroom? Many heterosexual crossdressers try to suppress the need for dressing. In my wife's case she struggeld to even acknowledge Sarah, and would not see me dressed or in makeup and wig, to the extent I grew frustrated and despondent. My advice would be talk, when your finished, talk some more but never stop communicating.