Do not worry about him being a crossdresser!
That's the message.
I'm a wife and yes my husband is a crossdresser, t girl, tranny, transvestite, all those other words to label him.
He's a pretty normal guy, sporty, loving, fun, hard working, can be a pain in my backside, moany typical bloke, sulks when his football team haven't got the result he wants he's not quite an alpha outlook but close you're average Joe. No his name isn't Joe.
I've kept this forum to myself but he reads here and sometimes helps me with a suggestion for an answer to a post on how he'd feel or react. I'v told him he can join too but he's not done it yet. He's over the moon with my acceptance although I have shocked him by calling his bluff a few times like the time knowing he wanted to go out i prepared things suitable for him to wear, did his makeup and said come on out we go lol the shock on his face, and how he quickly got down the drive into the car and sunk in his seat lol.
His crossdressing came as a surprise to me coming home from work one day early catching him fully crossdressed, makeup wig the lot feet up watching loose women on ITV.. Shock then but we laugh about it now.
I searched the internet for something to read and put my mind at ease, most websites and advice was awful and negative. Agony aunt replies very feminist and not at all balanced, very much aimed at make him stop, leave him, he's a pervert which is not what you want to hear and I'm glad I got past those internet search results..
I joined tv chix and although some good chats and forum posts in a SO forum there i found it too letchy but from there I saw Davina, we chatted there and then I followed a link to a blog.
Chatting to her / him and reading her tv chix page (Her him doesn't really matter for a crossdresser but being polite with her and she and the pronoun thingy) I thought wow Davina sounds normal, working on acceptance lets give the blog a whirl and found I enjoyed it and saw parallels and stole some of the ideas, questions and progressed my search for acceptance, as I love my husband, nothing in our relationship has pointed to him being a pervert and needed to know it was possible to accept this part of him,
And here we are, had makeovers together (recommended we both learnt a lot from having a professional makeover), been out in public together a few times and enjoy our girls nights in and keeping in touch here.
He's straight, its not changed him, hes not tried to push anything on me, his job can be stressful and crossdressing helps him escape it all. We've progressed, he looks far better now then he did, he's happy, I'm happy and our relationship is great.
A positive effect on me ,it made me look at myself, I'd let myself go, I didn't make effort on appearance home or work and it kicked me into a diet, fitness and wearing makeup again, a new hair style, thinking about how i dress (first day in work after the new haircut I went in in a skirt and blouse and heels new hair and makeup and was shocked the amount of positive comments i got in work on my change of look which is now the new norm) and it made me have a second lease of life as a late 30 something now a ahem never mind my age.
There's a post somewhere in here on the positives of Crossdressing and it's worth a read.
I still have the leggings and t shirt lazy days but usually make effort to look and feel nice maybe that sounds vane and maybe seeing him dressed looking quite passable kick started this in me ie I'm not having him look better as a woman than me seeing the effort he puts into being passable.
So I hope you can see if reading this having discovered your partner likes to dress up as a woman that it's nothing to worry about. Talk talk talk talk talk talk and talk and get to the bottom of why he does this and see if its something you can accept to any level but I'd recommend being part of it and controlling (maybe too strong a word) so influencing his crossdressing.
I wouldn't want to be in a crossdressing relationship where he is forced to dress behind my back and where he would seek to go out alone to meet others as he needs to talk about his dressing as who knows where that leads and the mistrust and secrecy etc.
My final bit of advice and I'll stop rambling on Talk to him, find out why he's a crossdresser and don't worry about it. Have fun with it.
Emma (Wife)
What a lovely positive outcome so good you were able to come on board and accept your husband. I'm still very early days with my Wife and I'm not sure if she'll ever wish to meet Ally, but here's hoping. I hope I can persuade her to come on this forum as talking to others like yourself I think would be a huge move forward. Take care Ally x
Thanks Hannah
No Don't give up Cat i know for you and new Davina you're on a cusp of wanting your wives ok with you dressing and its the awkward timing thing of when to tell them and hoping it goes ok.
Bring her on here
Emma (Wife)
Fab post Emma
Hannah (Wife)
Are you still together?
Don't give up Cat. I think if she came here and had a read of peoples thoughts and yours she may see its not smutty or threatening here and nothing is pushed on anyone. An open forum with some fantastically accepting wives and some intelligent t girls. I hope she comes round and will have a read here even if she doesn't contribute and see there are levels of acceptance. Like a few wivea have said better to be involved and have some control than to bury your head not knowing what's going on behind their backs especially if you're going out dressed. Don't give up on her Davina
I wish my wife would at least look at this forum and talk to me about it.
Unfortunately I've tried till I'm blue in the face and just get a comment of "Your pushing me" even after 2 to 3 years so I have given up now.
And yes Unfortunately that pushed me to take my dressing out of the house as I wasn't prepared to stay hidden away because she felt uncomfortable, and I've made quite a few good friends in the trans community, and getting compliments off people who appreciate your effort is a fantastic feeling, a far cry from hiding at home and feeling ashamed of who you are. xx
Talk Talk Talk is right find the answers, find the solutions and don't worry about it.
Great positive spin on you're new you.
Esme's had a load of new Makeup and has vowed to get made up more often and both of us will hit the diet and fitness hard from the 2nd week of January and both present our slimmer lined bodies in the summer hopefully on a beach.
It's easy for me to say so glad you're said it Emma but there is nothing to worry about if someone discovers or has a crossdressing confession given to them.
Talk talk talk and find common ground as hard as it will be to open up and get heads around it acceptance is the easier way to go and trust.