Chatting here is comforting and gives us a sense that we are not alone with this issue...yes? Here, we have a safe, non-judgmental place to discuss crossdressing. This is certainly how I feel. But how do we translate that comfort and peace to our actual lives, when so much of this doesn't fit or even make sense there?
It's so frustrating to me that I can understand things here, and then I log off and face my usual day and suddenly everything discussed here is irrelevant and I'm back to feeling irritated and even irrational about it. This peace I feel here is not carrying over into every day life. I don't get it. I'm sure it can't just be me who experiences this? I read something the other day, not crossdressing related, and the person felt 'neutral' about something. I have decided that's the best outcome for me. I will never like it, but hating it is pointless and not conducive to a continuing relationship. Neutral would give us both peace. But, how, when I feel that here but not elsewhere?
Any thoughts?
Oh i'm probably quite demure as Davina and walk differently hold myself differently but I'm not Camp I think my wife would laugh her head off if I started mincing and acting camp but I also change my mannerisms and feel different more relaxed and the wife says i am different and nicer when dressed so something changes in me