I posted a thread earlier in the week called 'Finding myself'. In it a guy called Alex was describing his journey of discovery. It was interesting that Emma felt that he wasn't a 'Davina' type crossdresser. I've read Alex's posts over the years and know that as Emily he was very much a 'Davina' type crossdresser, however, his journey has changed overtime and it was quite a revelation to read his post. The Christams party was full on Emily but at work it was different.
I was particularly interested in how he now chose to dress in public. It wasn't the full on 'Davina' type crossdressing but maybe a mix and match betweem traditional male and female clothes. A shirt with boxers underneath just wouldn't suit a "Davina' type crossdress, especially when combined with a male 'geeky' t shirts.
I think that is really demonstrates that we are a broad church from the occassional 'panite' wearer to the crossdresser who sends 24/7 dressed as a woman.
I don't think Aex is in another place on the trans spectrum, he's still want to live as a male he just adds feminine clothing to his everyday outfits. I guess as a young man he can probably get away with it to a degree as people tend to be more tolerant of the young but I was wondering what clothing could actually become androgenous. I saw that some of the men had gone out to blend in skinny jeans and boots. Are these acceptable, borderline or just plain women's clothes?
I also think that the motivation to crossdress is different between us. Lingerie is that part that makes me feel femnine and was the drive from as early as I can remember but just wearing knickers under a suit doesn't appeal. I couldn't wear a skirt with boxers as it just wouldn't work for me.
It's a funny old worl. I just wondered haw far up and odwn the scale you might feel is accepatble?
For me the Davina tgirl is a mans man on the outside and alpha male as you like to me called but with a softer side they hide away too scared to muddy the Alpha image with a show of emotions which are deemed feminine.
Attached usually married or in a commited long term relationship, well grounded and intelligent, confident and understanding and caring, straight and Honest and uses Crossdressing as escapusm, to Relax and unwingnd and for fun not taking it all too seriously.
Emma (Wife)
Lingerie was my first crossdressing urge so to speak.
Then onwards to dressing fully makeup and wig more to look as convincing as possible.
I guess what Emma means is the Davina type is a full not part dresser.. I don't just wear one item or several items I dress fully lingerie hosiery heels dresses makeup and wig trying to look the part not just androgynous.
I don't wear anything feminine as male me at all. It's jeans, tracksuit bottoms, shirt or rugby or football jersey or hoodie.
I don't do skinny jeans and push any androgynous fashon or wear lingerie under male clothing as it doesn't really appeal to me it's all or nothing.