We've been knocking around the subject of crossdressing on this forum for quite a while now. Some of us have years of experience and for some it is quite new.
I know that Sindy often has chats with her girlfriends and I was wondering what advice she and all the other wives and partners here would give to a friend who told her about her newly discovered crossdressing husband.
Would you tell them about your husband? Would you plead ignorance but show and unusal depth of knowledge? Would you be synmpathetic to the crossdressing husband or tell her to get out of the marriage (I guess that depends on what she tells you). Would the advice reflect your own situation or what you have learned about others here.
I was just wondering how what you have learned here would be applied in real life.
I read the nutjob posts first before finding Davinas blog.
It did help to find some sane crossdressers here.
It would be so nice to be able to share this secret with a friend especially if I had a friend in a similar / same situation accepting crossdressing.
Em (RG Wife)
And Katie, if your wife logged on here, I'd tell her "RUN!"
Haha, nah, I think we're sort of a sane lot here. I'd tell her to do what Emma said and read through your posts. In fact, I'd tell her to read all the nutjob posts on the big crossdresser site first, and THEN read yours and she will realise how sane you actually are. I think you have all the advice and answers she'll ever need.
Come and join us, Mrs Katie. We need more wife input here!
Emma is right that I'd have to be sure they were a 'true' friend and close enough to know I'm not being pranked or something lol. If they were the real deal, and they confided that their hubby crossdressed, then hell yes I'd tell them mine did too!
I actually think the first thing I'd say is "oh you poor thing. It sucks doesn't it". Lol
I'd then expect a swapping of commiseration and complaining and the usual 'Gawd men are a pain in the butt..." sort of stuff. These conversations are hardly unique and I had one with my best friend only yesterday. Not crossdressing topic - her husband was doing something else annoying lol.
Once that has passed, I think then we'd share coping tips. I mean, I'll be honest and say if this friend is only dating the crossdresser, I'd probably suggest she think very long and hard whether she wants this in her life. That it's not easy and simple and that men seem to progress with these activities even though they say they won't. That the sexual attraction could die when she sees him dressed. That she might lose respect for him.
If she's married, or madly in love with the guy, then I guess I'd suggest she figure out how she feels about it, and if it doesn't bother her then no drama. If it does, she needs to tell him to keep her involvement to the minimum and if he can't, their options are very limited. BUT, if he's a considerate guy and she can overlook the internal negative response, she could also learn to have fun as Emma has.
Mind you, I suspect if the friend is sharing this information that she's not having fun. We don't tend to discuss the things in our lives that don't bother us - humans love to focus on the problems. I actually wish a friend would come out as the wife of a crossdresser so I can have a commiseration partner! My best friends know but they also don't know what it's like to live with. I bet I do know another wife, but you're such a secretive lot that her and I will never know we're living with the same situation.
I think it depends on how close a friend.
I’d definitely suggest she look on line and I’d say oh look at this blog and there’s a forum why do men crossdress.
I’d then chat to my other half and ask what he thinks or if a close friend would he be ok if I said it’s not that uncommon we’re in the same boat and I was upset at first but now it’s something we both enjoy.
I suppose you’d need to know what motivates him to crossdress too.
If I was advising your wife I’d say read every comment by Katie on here you have nothing to fear.
Em (RG Wife)
I'll also add. What advice would you give to my wife if she logged on here?