We've been knocking around the subject of crossdressing on this forum for quite a while now. Some of us have years of experience and for some it is quite new.
I know that Sindy often has chats with her girlfriends and I was wondering what advice she and all the other wives and partners here would give to a friend who told her about her newly discovered crossdressing husband.
Would you tell them about your husband? Would you plead ignorance but show and unusal depth of knowledge? Would you be synmpathetic to the crossdressing husband or tell her to get out of the marriage (I guess that depends on what she tells you). Would the advice reflect your own situation or what you have learned about others here.
I was just wondering how what you have learned here would be applied in real life.
I read the nutjob posts first before finding Davinas blog.
It did help to find some sane crossdressers here.
It would be so nice to be able to share this secret with a friend especially if I had a friend in a similar / same situation accepting crossdressing.
Em (RG Wife)