By: Hannah (Wife of Crossdresser)
Subject: Hi
Good updates in the Blog and all this has been so useful to me and my husband.
It's got us talking a lot about his crossdressing and my insecurities.
Friday night having read your blog to date I noted that Davina would like a try on session to cut down on female clothing with her wife giving her the nod of that looks ok and that doesn't to rationalise clothing.
I asked my husband how much stuff he had and to show me so Friday night he brought it all down from the attic.
He's not bought much of his own but what he has bought was pretty fashionable and the rest was salvaged from black bags or charity bags after I'd had a sort out obviously he'd had a sort out.
We'd had a few glasses of wine and I found myself saying "Come on then lets see you in these dresses" to which he said "Well I'll need a shave and to put on makeup I can't just wear a dress as a man" to which I nervously agreed.
Friday night turned into a very girly night with a few bottles of wine and my husband disappearing to the bathroom for an hour coming back in the first dress, full makeup (which was pretty impressive) and long curly brunette wig.
I think he picked his favourite outfit as he looked pretty amazing as a woman which was mind boggling to see.
I have to admit he had a lot more dresses and high heels than I realised and also admit it was fun seeing my usually macho husband being a bit subby and nervous trying on dresses in front of me.
We ended up with a few bags to go to the charity shops, some back into the attic in a wardrobe he has up there and some found their way back into my wardrobe which we have agreed are to share.
So Davina and Wife the next time you have a girly night in go for it and claim some dresses back. You will wonder why you ever threw some out in the first place..
Thanks for this blog keep blogging Davina and those who are contributing keep on its very useful.
By: Davina
Subject: Re: Hi
Well done Hannah
1) You're now a blogger too
2) You have found its therapeutic
3) You've faced your fears
4) You've had a girls night in with a twist
5) I'm jealous you stole my idea for a try on session
6) You've had fun with crossdressing
Hoping my next girls night in with my wife I can do similar and have a try on and sort out.
I went up the attic on the weekend to get the wifes summer dresses etc down and whilst up there had a sort out of my female clothing and need to sort it out ...